Start of My Keto Journey

Hello there friends!

John here. I wanted to share my journey of weightloss with you all. I have always struggled with living healthy and living at a consistent weight. Now I want to change that for the long term.
I am currently on a doctor supervised weightloss program (basically a stimulant and an appetite suppresant called Adipex) and have been pretty static in my weightloss - read that I am down 2lbs over 2 months. Even though I have been tracking my nutritional numbers I have not really lost any weight. Two pounds lost over 2 months is not anything to write home about, so I have decided to up my game and really get down to business.

I used the keto weight loss method about 8 years ago and went from 297lbs to 265lbs. Not bad if I do say so myself. 

Now I am older and fatter and I am more sedentary than I have been in my entire life. Basically I have just been lazy lately and have not had self control over my eating and exercising. There have been other things that have contributed to my new found health track. I have been on high blood pressure medication for almost a year now and want to get off that ASAP, and I have just been feeling blah for a long time. I am also closing in on the big 4 0 - in 1 year and 1 month I will be 40 and I would like to be much healthier than I am now.

So what is the Ketogenic diet? Men's Health has a good article that you can read about it at HERE.
Basically it is a very carb restricted way of eating that allows for high fat content and medium protien content. See how it stacks up against other types of eating from the below infographic (taken from the above referenced Men's health article).


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